Baby Kitties!!!!
This is Stoli (black) and Tonic (tabby). In this picture they are 4 week old kittens a friend of mine found outside of her work. They are likely from the same litter but Stoli is much smaller than Tonic.
When we first got them their eyes were still blue, as you can kind of see in this picture. Just a week later the blue has almost all the way turned to green. They have both grown quite a bit in the short week. When we first got them Tonic was 1 pound while Stoli was a whopping 3/4 pounds.
Tonic was a bit tired for a photo shoot, but we did it anyway. Unfortunately, we neglected to clean up the background... Sorry!
I think they are pretty cute :)
Which one has the mental problem and will hiss at EVERYONE!!!
So cute!!! I asked Libby if she wanted to see Mae Mae's kitties and she started looking around the room asking "Kitty?" Once I got her to understand they were on the computer she stuck her head up as close as she could to each picture and said, "Hi kitty!"
So I take it you kept your room clean!?!
Eric: Neither! They are both precious kittens! But really, probably the black one.
Heidi: That is adorable! Libby is awesome.
Kevin: Not even close. I managed to get my room mostly clean since getting the kitties... but I broke my rule and got them before my room had been clean a month.
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