Friday, June 5, 2009

It's Crunch Time

Suddenly it's June and in 21 days my thesis must be signed and in the Graduate Studies office. I have a lot to write before it is ready, so I am a tad nervous. I am not so much nervous in my ability to write, I am more nervous that the "stellar" professors here will not sign off on it in time. My proposal took 3 weeks and 3 emails to get signed by one person. Thankfully that person is now done with their part of the process and I don't need that signature for the final step.

I got some pretty interesting results so it won't be too painstaking to write. At least I will have more to say than, "nothing was significant" which some of my classmates are getting to write.

I can't wait for July.


Grandma Millie said...

Hang in there! You can do it...I'll keep praying!

Heidi said...

Well get going so you can use more from your Christmas present than just the stress relief candle. I believe there is a document frame just waiting for a diploma to display.

Amanda said...

Yes, I have that document frame propped up on my dresser so I see it everyday as motivation. I look at it often and think, "I can't wait to take that 'certificate of excellence' out and replace it with the real deal."