Monday, April 14, 2008

I know who I want to work for...

SIOP was amazing. I met lots of great people and learned a lot too. I also knew more people than I expected to, which is mostly because a lot of people came who are either currently at MSU or were there at one point. The thing is that the I/O world, while it is quite large, is really small one, so knowing the small group that I did before the conference helped immensely. I went to the Master's Consortium on Wednesday and attended a talk by a former MSU student who got his Bachelors at MSU and then went on to a different school for his MA. He works as an external consultant for Kenexa, which is one of the most amazing companies ever. It is the number two I/O employer (Bank of America is number one) and there are firms around the globe. It is an organization that provides companies with hiring and retention solutions. I could go on and on about it, but that would probably bore you, just know that I think this company is amazing! The question of the weekend was Ph.D vs MA. I got lots of advice and switched my mind about 30 times a day. I still haven't decided, but at least I know now what each option means and what I could expect from each. At least I have time to decide, and right now I am too busy to think about it anyway.
Another reason SIOP was great, was that for four days I didn't have to explain what I/O is to anyone! It was great. Also, the focus of the conference was obviously on I/O which is refreshing since I feel like my Master's program is primarily focused on HR, which is quite disappointing. I am still happy with the program I am in, I just wish I would have known how strong of a HR focus that it has.... I do not want to do HR.
Unfortunately, after that sample of freedom at SIOP, now I have to somehow get through the rest of the semester. It is going to be rough. I am basically done with all my classes. Since all we have is projects and tests left my teachers let us cancel the rest of our classes (except for pre-prac, lame!). Here is a quick list of what I need to get done (in the order which they need to be accomplished):
1) Stats assignement 4
2) Review peers' lit reviews
3) Stats test 4
4) Pre-practicum article presentation
5) Stats assignement 5*
6) Final version of Lit review (and 1-page case for why my study is worth it; due weeks ago)
7) Compensation project
8) Compensation final
9) Pre-practicum self-assessment paper
10) Job Analysis report
11) Job Analysis take home final
12) Stats take home final due*
13) Breathe
*Depending on my grades for assignment and test 4, I might not have to do these (cross your fingers)
It doesn't seem so bad just looking at the list, but each of those things take up a lot of time. This week alone my group and I have worked about 10 hours on our Compensation system. Pair that with going to class and 20 hours of work, and there is not much time left. But thats what I signed up for right? I plan to get a large chunk of my stats assignment done tomorrow... we'll see how that goes, stats always takes much longer than planned.
Then we have the I/O spring social on Saturday... which is great and all, but who really has time for that... oh right all the 2nd years and professors... great. We will all get together and grill out and eat and socialize, but I foresee most of the 1st years ducking out early for the reasons stated above.

1 comment:

wollersinchina said...

And to think I was considering going back to school after we got back from China...
Your list of things to do brought me right back to reality.
I appreciate it.