Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ears are expensive.

I guess I started a blog...

Today in my wage class I learned that values have been assigned to limbs and such so that if you lose one on the job they know how much to pay you in workers comp. An ear costs $32,800. I guess that is why Jesus healed the servant's ear after Peter cut it off, that is expensive stuff.

I am currently researching my fourth thesis topic. I really hope this one sticks, I think it will. The rest of my class have gotten their lit reviews turned in, I got an extension due to my circumstances. Unfortunately, I have to do all the research, come up with hypotheses, and write half a lit review, on a topic that I decided on yesterday morning, and hopefully have it done by Saturday.

I got a stats test back today that I took on Tuesday. I got a 93%, thats better than the 50% I got last time (seriously 50%). The whole class had done that pathetic though so we got to retake it as a take home test and she averaged our scores, so yippee I brought my grade up to a 73%... not much better. Today she said that she was going to curve our final grades since they are an entire letter grade lower than years of the past, so that is a very good thing.

I am going to SIOP in two weeks, it's in San Fransisco, so it should be fun. It better be, it has cost me a ton already. I will get to see my old MSU professors and classmates and attend a ton of fun-filled I/O conferences so it will be worth it.


Joy said...

Welcome to blogging, Ananny!

Please post something which elaborates on your current IM message: "I am convinced that I have been chosen to meet all the mentally unstable people in TN...srsly." There's got to be a good story there....

Grandma Millie said...

This is great, Amanda. I have been toying with the idea myself, but then figured no one really wants to know about my exciting days of flashcards and grading papers.
I want to know if you actually called the phone number on the papers you were first instinct was to call you and say "Don't do it!!!!"
I TOLD you you should do clinical....our family would have provided so much fodder for a thesis :)

Dr. Kev said...

So, isn't this what Neil does for a living - assess body part values and the probability you'll lose/destroy one in an accident?